Mask Group 51-min

Community and CSR


Our Commitment towards Community

Our commitment to product stewardship is unwavering. We uphold the intrinsic values of the organization, which include sustainability, safety, health, and environmental protection. We conduct customer-oriented research with integrity and promote free and fair trade while adhering to ethical behaviour. Our responsible approach extends to our customers, employees, neighbours, and society at large.

Partnering with our communities

We strongly believe in the importance of social engagement and consider it our responsibility to invest in communities where we have a presence. We strive to provide social and educational opportunities for the people living and working in the areas surrounding our plants. Our long-lasting community engagement is achieved by:
– Maintaining strong and lasting relationships with local government and community leaders.
– Building constructive relationships with local media to ensure access to information and uphold community trust in our operations.


Community relations

We believe that a happy and contented workforce can create a positive impact on society. To achieve this goal, we actively engage with our community stakeholders, including local and national government bodies, educational and social institutions, local suppliers, and the media. Our Human Resources and HSE executives run various programs and initiatives to strengthen our relationship with the community. This reflects our commitment towards building a strong and reliable partnership with the local community, which further enhances our reputation.